This article provides researchers, companies and policymakers with insights into how AI can detect fraudulent reviews and drives further research on the adequate use of advanced AI techniques in fake review detection.
Fostering positive customer attitudes and usage intentions for scheduling services via chatbots, Daniel Maar, Ekaterina Besson, Hajer Kefi, Journal of Service Management, (ahead-of-print), 2022
This paper analyzes customers’ chatbot-related attitudes and usage intentions in service retailing. The authors investigate how chatbot, customer, and contextual characteristics, along with perceptions of chatbot warmth and competence, shape customers’ chatbot-related attitudes.
Increasing customer loyalty and WOM in an age of terror: Cross-cultural development and validation of the customers’ reactions to terror scale (CRTS), Shaked Gilboa, Tali Seger-Guttmann, Judith Partouche-Sebban, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2022
The proposed scale contributes to the service literature by showing how the threat of terror alters customer behavior and how services that acknowledge customers’ need for safety can gain positive outcomes.
Why shape a market? Empirical evidence on the prominent firm-level and market-level outcomes of market-driving strategy, Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Konstantinos G.Kottikas, Grigorios Painesis, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, Efthymia Kottikac, Journal of Business Research, 2022
The objectives of this project are to identify: (1) the main firm-level and market-level outcomes of MDS, (2) mediating mechanisms among those outcomes, and (3) the influence of radical and incremental product innovation capabilities on MDS.
Toward a luxury restaurant renewal: Antecedents and consequences of digitalized gastronomy expériences, Florence Jeannot, Maud Dampérat, Marielle Salvador, Mariem El Euch Maalej, Eline Jongmanse,Journal of Business Research, 2022
Based on the two approaches (qualitative & quantitative) to customer experience (dimension- and stage-oriented), the aim of this research is to propose and test a model of the digitalized gastronomy experience that includes its antecedents and consequences.