MARCH / 2023


Dean for Faculty and Research

In line with its motto "Research for Practice", the PSB Research Lab contributes to the production of new knowledge; that is useful to the scientific community, the socio-economic environment, as well as to the pedagogical approach deployed at  Paris School of Business. The dynamism of the Paris School of Business research team can be seen in the quality and diversity of their work, thus contributing to the academic excellence and influence of PSB. 

In this newsletter, you will discover the activities of the PSB Research Lab; school's research chairs and centre, the latest publications by  our researchers, as well as the scientific events to which we will be pleased to welcome you! We hope you enjoy reading this first PSB Research Lab Newsletter of 2023.  

ECONOMICS Department

Director, Hassan OBEID

The Economics Department conducts research activities related to Economic, Monetary and Environmental policies (EMEP).Through theoretical frameworks our research area seek to study uncertainty in markets and the effects of energy transition policies. 

The work carried out in this area of research identify the leverages that contribute to monetary, fiscal and prudential macroeconomic stability in a context of market liberalization. Moreover, it explores the evolution of energy performance taking into consideration a broad range of factors: climate, economic context, financial interest and regulatory policy.


Climate change-related risks and bank stock returns , Whelsy Boungou, Christian Urom, Economic Letters, 2023 

Using daily stock index data for global and G20 banks over the period from January 2011 to November 2019, we find that climate change risks have a negative impact on banks’ stock performance.

A fair and progressive carbon price for a sustainable economy Raphaël-Homayoun Boroumand, Stéphane Goutte, Thomas Porcher, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022 

Our policy paper analyses the benefits of a differentiated and progressive carbon pricing mechanism to facilitate intergovernmental cooperation for a more sustainable economy.

Corruption, economy and governance in Central Africa: An analysis of public and regional drivers of corruption Stéphane Goutte, Thomas Porcher, Thomas F. Stocker, Finance Research Letters, 2022 

This article seeks to highlight in more depth the public levers of action in the implementation of anti-corruption policies within the countries among the Central Africa region.

Inequality and investment: The role of institutions  Mickael Melki, Economic Modelling, 2022

This study examines how income inequality affects investment in different institutional contexts. 

Co-inventions, uncertainties and global food security Christian Urom, Khaled Guesmi, Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 2022

This paper examines the effects of international collaborative efforts on climate-friendly agricultural technologies on global food security.

Nations ranking in scientific competition: Countries get what they paid for Pierre Courtioux, François Métivier, Antoine Rebérioux, Economic Modelling, 2022 

This analysis shows that East Asian countries’ impressive catch-up is due, to the first order, to sustained investment efforts in scientific research – efforts that are greater than those undertaken in traditional scientific countries.  

FINANCE Department

Director, Nabila BOUKEF

The Finance Department's research spans a wide range of important financial topics. The research conducted within the Financial policies, Banking and Corporate Finance (FBCF) area aims to promote innovative research on emerging issues in market finance, banking market finance, banking, corporate finance and financial accounting.

Our research aims to analyze the determinants of corporate investment and financing decisions. We  explore their consequences on the governance structures and on the study of CSR, as well as their role in leveraging the sustainable development of companies.


Firm inflexibility and the implied cost of equity Samir Saadi, Sadok El Ghoul, Zhengwei Fue et Omrane Guedhami, Finance Research Letters, 2023 

Using a large dataset of manufacturing firms from 65 countries...we find that, on average, a firm with higher level of inflexibility have a higher implied cost of equity.

Competition and Agency Problems within Banks: Evidence from Insider Lending Federica Salvade et Mattia Girotti, Management Science, 2022 

This paper studies whether greater competition can mitigate agency problems within banks. We conclude that competitive pressure reduces managerial self-dealing. 

Credit rating agencies, information asymmetry and US bond liquidity Federica Salvade, Stefano Lovo et Philippe Raimbourg, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 2022 

[In this paper] we investigate the effect of rating disclosures on the volatility and liquidity of the US bond market. 

The impact of economic policy uncertainty on banks' non-interest income activities Whelsy Boungou et Charles Mawusib, International Economics, 2022 

This paper investigates how banks adjust their business model amid rising global economic uncertainty. Specifically, we analyze the effect of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on banks' non-interest income activities.

The effect of issuance documentation disclosure and readability on liquidity: Evidence from green bonds Syrine Sassi, Martin Lebelle et Souad Lajili Jarjir , Global Finance 2022 

This paper investigates the potential effects of the disclosure and the readability of a green bond’s issuance documentation on its liquidity 

Competition through environmental CSR engagement and cost of equity capital Hatem RJIBA, Samir Saadi et Oussama Ben Hmiden, Finance Research Letters, 2022 

[In this paper] we examine the capital market outcomes of firms’ competition over environmental corporate social responsibility (CSR) ratings. 

The influence of the renminbi and its macroeconomic determinants: A new Chinese monetary order in Asia? Benjamin Keddad et Kiyotaka Sato, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 2022

[In this paper] we propose a regime-switching setting to assess the role of the Chinese renminbi in Asia.  


Economics & Finance Departments & CRECC

Research Seminar, PSB: 16 March 2023

“Climate Policy Uncertainly and ESG Performance: The moderating effect of female board presence and leadership”, Panagiota Makrychoriti, Birkbeck, University of London

Economics & Finance Departments

2nd PSB Workshop on Banks and Financial Markets, PSB: 12 May 2023

The workshop provides an opportunity to discuss and promote both empirical and theoretical research on topical issues related to the banking system and financial markets. 

Economics & Finance Departments & CRECC

Energy & Finance Day, PSB: 24 May 2023

Jointly organized by University of Paris 1 Sorbonne and CRECC 

Keynote speakers: Inès Chaieb (Geneva Finance Research Institute) and Lutz Kilian (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, USA) 

Economics & Finance Departments 

Roundtable dedicated to Geoeconomics, PSB: 22 June 2023

Visit PSB News  for more information and registration at Research Lab Events.

Management and Strategy Department

Director, Nessrine OMRANI

The main research area in the Management Department is IDTSE – Innovation Strategy, Digital Transformation Management and Social Entrepreneurship. The research team’s program focuses on the development of grounded work in the fields of information technology and systems, entrepreneurship, innovation and organization theory. 

The mission of our research department is divided into three main themes: innovation and knowledge management, digital transformation and disruptive environment, and entrepreneurial orientation and sustainability. 



To Trust or not to Trust? An Assessment of Trust in AI-based Systems: Concerns, Ethics and Contexts, Nessrine Omrani, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2022

This article investigates the links between trust in AI, concerns related to AI use, and the ethics related to such use. 

Can you hold an advantageous network position? The role of neighborhood similarity in the sustainability of structural holes in social networks Charles Perez, Decision Support Systems, 2022 

The authors explore the role of neighborhood similarity and propose inbound and   outbound similarity measures to address the structural hole's sustainability. 

Beyond the shallows of physical attractiveness: Perfection and objectifying gaze on Instagram, Karina Sokolova, International Journal of Information Management, 2022

This article compares how idealized versus natural women’s bodies are perceived  by Instagram users by means of an experimental procedure...The implications of the emphasis on female bodily appearance on digital presence and the practices of digital influencers are discussed.

La quête de reconnaissance : un levier d’engagement pour l’apprentissage collaboratif, Olivier Mamavi, Questions(s) de management, 2022 

The objective of this exploratory study is to show that expert status seeking is a very effective device for online collaborative learning.  

Drivers of digital transformation in SMEs, Nessrine Omrani, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 2022 

This article reviews the empirical research on digital technologies adoption and examines the drivers of such adoption in SMEs. 

Building upon insights from the conservation of resources theory of stress response and psychology theory, this study examined the role of entrepreneur emotional demands as well as job autonomy and satisfaction resources with regard to entrepreneurial burnout.

Exploring the journey of responsible business model innovation in Asian companies: A review and future research agenda Patrice Cailleba, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 2022 

The article explores the state of the art of business ethics and dynamic capabilities in Asian organizations. 


PSB Research Seminar:  9 March 2023

“Researching innovation management at multiple levels: A focus on Artificial Intelligence”, Francesco Appio

PSB Research Seminar: 13 April 2023

“Le rôle des plateformes d'innovation dans l'apprentissage”, Olivier Mamavi 

International Conference

 “Digital Transformation Society”, 1st Edition, PSB: 23 May 2023

Jointly organized by PSB and Parthenope University of Naples  Research Network on Innovation. More Information and paper submission

Visit PSB News for more information and registration at Research Lab Events

Marketing and Communication Department

Director, Wissal BEN ARFI

The research activity of the Department focuses on: Technology Interaction, Strategic Marketing and Customer Experience (TIMCE). These 3 research fields are central and draw on a variety of methodologies, including behavioral experiments, field experiments, artificial intelligence and survey methods.

The Marketing and Communication Department's  research covers a broad spectrum of areas addressing current and emerging topics on the interactions between consumers and their increasingly changing environments. 



Artificial intelligence applications in fake review detection: Bibliometric analysis and future avenues for research, Sami Ben Jabeura, Hossein Ballouk, Wissal Ben Arfi, Jean-Michel Sahut,  Journal of Business Research2023 

This article provides researchers, companies and policymakers with insights into how AI can detect fraudulent reviews and drives further research on the adequate use of advanced AI techniques in fake review detection. 

Fostering positive customer attitudes and usage intentions for scheduling services via chatbots, Daniel Maar, Ekaterina Besson, Hajer Kefi, Journal of Service Management, (ahead-of-print), 2022 

This paper analyzes customers’ chatbot-related attitudes and usage intentions in service retailing. The authors investigate how chatbot, customer, and contextual characteristics, along with perceptions of chatbot warmth and competence, shape customers’ chatbot-related attitudes. 

Increasing customer loyalty and WOM in an age of terror: Cross-cultural development and validation of the customers’ reactions to terror scale (CRTS), Shaked Gilboa, Tali Seger-Guttmann, Judith Partouche-Sebban, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 2022 

The proposed scale contributes to the service literature by showing how the threat of terror alters customer behavior and how services that acknowledge customers’ need for safety can gain positive outcomes. 

Why shape a market? Empirical evidence on the prominent firm-level and market-level outcomes of market-driving strategy, Vlasis Stathakopoulos, Konstantinos G.Kottikas, Grigorios Painesis, Ioannis G. Theodorakis, Efthymia Kottikac, Journal of Business Research, 2022 

The objectives of this project are to identify: (1) the main firm-level and market-level outcomes of MDS, (2) mediating mechanisms among those outcomes, and (3) the influence of radical and incremental product innovation capabilities on MDS.

Toward a luxury restaurant renewal: Antecedents and consequences of digitalized gastronomy expériences, Florence Jeannot, Maud Dampérat, Marielle Salvador, Mariem El Euch Maalej, Eline Jongmanse,Journal of Business Research2022

Based on the two approaches (qualitative & quantitative) to customer experience (dimension- and stage-oriented), the aim of this research is to propose and test a model of the digitalized gastronomy experience that includes its antecedents and consequences.


PSB Round Table:  17 March 2023

“Improving the patient experience: how to value patient knowledge and effectively co-create value in healthcare?” co-organized with the PSB Living Health Chair. 

PSB Research Seminar: 13 April 2023

"How Perceived Brand Globalness, Localness and Consumer Cosmopolitanism Affect Brand Attitude: Introducing Static and Dynamic Dominance”, Daniel Maar

“The interplay of customer experience management, governance practices with value processes in stakeholder networks: an investigation of capitalist and alternative organizations in the bike delivery market”, Amélie Martin 

International Management Conference, 3rd Edition

Morocco: 1- 2 June 2023 

“Innovations & Organizations in Times of Crisis” organized in collaboration with PSB, New Management Practices Lab (NPG), Africa Business and Entrepreneurship Research Society (ABERS), and Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU).

International Conference in Customer Experience & Marketing, 1st Edition

PSB: 8 June 2023   

“Customer Experience, New Challenges, & Metaverse: Implications for Marketing Services Research & Practice”

Visit PSB News for more information and registration at Research Lab Events 


Valérie Mérindol David W. Versailles



Mission and Research Orientation

The newPIC Chair (new Practices for Innovation and Creativity) was founded in 2014 to investigate the micro-foundations of innovation and creativity, from the emergence of new ideas to their appropriation, covering all processes of value creation. The projects carried out by the Chair appraise the specific caracteristics of contexts, territories and industry domains to assess innovation processes, best practices and business models. Investigated sectors cover the fields of cosmetics, aeronautics, Space and Defense, etc. The newPIC Chair analyses new models of innovation such as open labs, collaborative spaces, coworking spaces and makerspaces.



  • Launch of a new research project on the evaluation and prospective evolution of the open lab (Y Spot) of the CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) on 15 February 2023. Project Team Valérie Mérindol, David W. Versailles, Nicolas Aubouin 
  • Research project with CEA on the relationship between art, science and socio-economic actors for developing sustainable innovations


  • CORAL 2021-2024 - Exploration of the impacts of collaborative workspaces in rural and peripherical areas, "Marie Curie Innovative Training Network“. Ignasi CAPDEVILA organizes the French modules in the consortium composed of 5 countries and 9 institutions. More information
  • Cowork4EU - 2022-2025 – Erasmus+ Project dedicated to the development of courses for Masters students on coworking and academic coworking spaces.


Open Labs and Innovation Management

PSB:27 March 2023

The Paris School of Business newPIC Chair organized a workshop presenting its recently published book by Routledge on Open Labs and Innovation Management.

The workshop was designed for academics and researchers in the fields of innovation studies and management sciences. It also provided important guidance for teaching, policy making and professional practice.

Visit PSB News for more information and registration at Research Lab Events

Annual EURAM (European Academy of Management) Conference 

Transforming Business For Good

Trinity Business School, Dublin: 14-16 June 2023

NewPIC faculty members will be co-organizing several thematic tracks and workshops on creativity, digital innovation, entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystems, and collaborative spaces. More information and registration



Open Labs and Innovation Management, The dynamics of communities and ecosystems, Valérie Mérindol, David W. Versailles (ed.), Routledge, 2023 

The book includes contributions by scholars from the PSB newPIC Chair and the MOSAIC Research Center at HEC Montréal. It contains more than 40 case studies from France, Canada, Spain and Asia, more than 200 interviews, and direct observations. 


Research project commissioned by Bpifrance Deeptech directorate and Bpifrance Le Lab. The White Book introduces the key proposal that this "third" mission of universities and academic research institutions primarily refers to strategies deployed at ecosystem level.


Research project run by Helene BUSSY-SOCRATE and commissioned by the French Ministry for Solidarities. The project sheds light on "social protection" for entrepreneurs through the lenses of collaborative spaces, most notably coworking spaces. This research report explains how collaborative spaces contribute to articulate together some form of  "social protection”.   




Mission and Research Orientation

The Living Health Chair, founded in 2020, aims to provide insights into and recommendations for the implementation of innovative and integrative care approaches focused on the individual and their well-being. More specifically, the Chair focuses on understanding and optimizing the patient experience by adopting a global approach of this experience, based on three key success factors: the human dimension -care-, the professional expertise -cure-, and the optimal use of data and digital tools -connect.


Major Partner

The Living Health Chair works in collaboration with the Rafaël Institute for a better understanding of the patient experience in the specific context of oncology.

A series of research and pedagogical projects have been set up in collaboration with the caregivers and the patients of the Rafaël Institute.


PSB: 17 March 2023

“Improving the patient experience: how to value patient knowledge and effectively co-create value in healthcare?”

Co-organized with the Department of Marketing and Communication, this first Roundtable of the Livign Health Chair  welcomed all stakeholders willing to be involved in the development of a holistic approach to the patient experience. Keen to integrate our research projects into educational innovation, we also encouraged the participation of students in the workshop. 

Visit PSB News for more information and registration at Research Lab Events


We Link, You Link: Social Alliances and Community Engagement Among Vulnerable Consumers in Oncology Saheedeh Rezaee Vessal, Judith Partouche-Sebban, K. Raies, Francesco Schiavone, Journal of Business Research, 2022 

This study explores the social benefits of the collaboration between healthcare organizations in oncology and their concrete social impacts through community engagement of the patients. 

Relieving a traumatic experience through emotional creativity : the bright side of cancer during the Covid-19 pandemic Saheedeh Rezaee Vessal, Judith Partouche-Sebban, Francesco Schiavone, Journal of Organisational Change Management, 2022


This paper aims to clarify whether survivors of a traumatic event (i.e., cancer survivors) are more resilient to living through another traumatic experience, such as Covid-19, compared to those who have never had such an experience. 

When co-creation pays off: the effect of co-creation on well-being, work performance and team resilience Judith Partouche-Sebban, Saheedeh Rezaee Vessal, Fabian Bernhard, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2021 

This study aims to explore the effect of value co-creation among health-care professionals and in a business-to-business (B2B) context on the involved individuals and the organization. More precisely, the effect of co-creation behaviors on the well-being of individuals, their work performance and team resilience are investigated.

Overcoming stressful events by Do-It-Yourself (DIY) laboratories. A new trailblazing career for disadvantaged entrepreneurs Saheedeh Rezaee Vessal, Judith Partouche-Sebban, Veronica Scuotto, Adnane Maalaoui, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021


This paper explores the Disadvantaged DIYers' motivations to create their own business after being diagnosed with a chronic disease, cancer.    

Center of Research for Energy and Climate Change - CRECC



Mission and Research Orientation

The CRECC was founded in 2019 to promote interdisciplinary research and disseminate knowledge in the fields of energy and climate change. Its objective is to provide a leading hub of analysis covering issues on the efficient use of energy, on cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, shedding light on their applications and fostering public awareness. Its research activities focus on the development and efficient use of alternative energy sources, the development of energy policies, innovative environmental technologies and energy finance, thus contributing to sustainable development.


In collaboration with our academic partners, we undertake research projects and organize high level international conferences. The CRECC also hosts a series of webinars and workshops at Paris School of Business. Top academics, policymakers, and practitioners come together during these events to advance and disseminate knowledge in the field of energy and climate change. 

CRECC's main partners are: Telfer School of Management (University of Ottawa) Audencia Business School, University of Southampton, University Paris-Saclay University of Quebec at Montreal, and Gulf University for Science and Technology University of Naples Federico


Energy & Finance Day

PSB: 24 May 2023 

Jointly organized by University of Paris 1 Sorbonne and the CRECC.

Keynote speakers : Inès Chaieb (Geneva Finance Research Institute)  and Lutz Kilian (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, USA) - joint event with the  Economics & Finance Departments.

Visit PSB News for more information and registration at Research Lab Events

Workshop on Climate Change and Energy Finance 

University of Paris 1, Sorbonne: 26 May 2023

Jointly organized by Audencia Business School, Paris School of Business, and University of Paris 1 Sorbonne (Sorbonne Center for Economics) with the support of Gaia (Audencia Business School), CRECC (Paris School of Business), Geneva Finance Research Institute (GFRI) and University of Geneva, More information and registration

The International Conference on Sustainability, Environment, and Social Transition in Economics and Finance (SESTEF)

University of Southampton, UK: 14-15 and 16 December 2023

Jointly organized by Audencia Business School, University of Southampton, University Paris-Saclay, Telfer School of Management (University of Ottawa) & Paris School of Business with the support of Gaia (Audencia Business School), CRECC (Paris School of Business) More information and paper submission



Financial Market Dynamics after COVID 19, (ed.) Stéphane Goutte, Khaled Guesmi, Christian Urom, Springer, 2022 

This book Discusses the concept of financial contagion in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. It analyzes the impact of the health crisis on the systemic risks in capital markets and evaluates the different financial regulations and interventions of governments in the context of the pandemic.

Advances in Managing Energy and Climate Risks, Stéphane Goutte, Khaled Guesmi, Raphaël Homayoun Boroumand, Thomas Porcher (ed.), LNEN, volume 82, 2021 

This book presents research related to energy and environmental technologies in the context of market liberalization and global warming. It focuses on the development and efficient use of alternative energy sources, implementation of sustainable energy policies, power generation, and energy finance.

Covid-19 Pandemic And Energy Markets: Commodity Markets, Cryptocurrencies and Electricity Consumption Under The Covid-19, World Scientific Series In Energy And Environmental Finance,  Khaled Guesmi (ed.) 2021 

This book seeks to throw light on the adverse effects of COVID-19 through enhanced scientific and multi-disciplinary knowledge. The chapters in the book show that the energy, stock, crypto-currencies markets are vulnerable to the surge in coronavirus deaths.

ARTICLES : Several Articles are published by CRECC members in prestigious academic journals such as Journal of Corporate Finance, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, Journal of Asset Management.  

Doctorate of Business Administration 


Academic Dean, Benjamin Keddad 

The DBA program is a fully-fledged Doctoral degree, with a firm entrance requirement based on professional experience. Designed to fit the demanding lifestyle of executives and professionals, the DBA allows its students to contribute to production and dissemination of applied science in the areas of management and business administration.

The DBA program is designed to equip students with the advanced research skills and tools needed to tackle organizational, development, and financial concerns. Through rigorous and tailor-made coaching by our doctoral faculty, the DBA Community enrich the research activities carried out at PSB.


Latest DBA Theses

“Decarbonization (r)evolution of the automotive ecosystem”, Juho PARTANEN, January, 2023

“Sustainability management of artisanal and small-scale gold mining”, Bazona Firmin BADO, December 2022

“How can the creative use of social purpose campaigns help sustain the relevance of advertising?”, Nnamdi NDU, December 2022

Papers by PSB Professors&DBA students

Impacts, sustainability, and resilience on the Egyptian tourism and hospitality industry after the Russian airplane crash in 2015 Said El Atiek (DBA), Stéphane Goutte, Research in International Business and Finance, January 2023

The present article is focused on the impacts of economic, political, and social impacts on Egyptian tourism after this crisis. 

Female representation on boards and carbon emissions: International evidence Hatem Rjiba, Tharshan Thavaharan (DBA), Finance Research Letters, 2022

This paper examines the effect of board gender diversity on firms’ carbon emissions. Using a sample of firms from 43 countries during the 2005–2019 period, we establish that firms with more gender-diverse boards have a lower carbon footprint. 

Exploring success factors of marketing in private healthcare organizations: evidence from Lebanon  Francesco Schiavone, Talal Ali Mohamad (DBA) ; Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 2022 

This study offers interesting, non-studied insights into marketing success factors in the private healthcare sector. In particular, it shows how to evolve from more traditional business models to disruptive yet very attractive personalized services with high-quality standards. 


2nd DBA Workshop 11-12-13 January 2023: The objective of the workshop was to discuss innovative research topics and preliminary findings developed by 2nd and 3rd year DBA students from PSB. The workshop aimed to bring together academics and professionals and was run by PSB faculty members. The presentations covered a large scope of research fields studied in the PSB Research Lab, including entrepreneurship, finance, economics, management, and marketing.

The next workshop will take place on 5-6-7 July 2023

Visit PSB News for more information and registration at Research Lab Events

Social Media
